A C D E F G H I L M N O P Q R S T U V Y 


interpolate(double, double, double) - Static method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.EuclidCoreTools
Performs a linear interpolation from a to b given the percentage alpha.
interpolate(double, double, double) - Static method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.TupleTools
interpolate(RotationMatrixReadOnly, double) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.matrix.RotationMatrix
Performs a linear interpolation in SO(3) from this to rf given the percentage alpha.
interpolate(RotationMatrixReadOnly, RotationMatrixReadOnly, double) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.matrix.RotationMatrix
Performs a linear interpolation in SO(3) from r0 to rf given the percentage alpha.
interpolate(RotationMatrixReadOnly, RotationMatrixReadOnly, double, RotationMatrix) - Static method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.RotationMatrixTools
Performs a linear interpolation in SO(3) from r0 to rf given the percentage alpha.
interpolate(QuaternionBasedTransform, double) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.transform.QuaternionBasedTransform
Performs a linear interpolation from this transform to other given the percentage alpha.
interpolate(QuaternionBasedTransform, QuaternionBasedTransform, double) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.transform.QuaternionBasedTransform
Performs a linear interpolation from firstTransform to secondTransform given the percentage alpha.
interpolate(Tuple2DReadOnly, double) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.tuple2D.interfaces.Tuple2DBasics
Performs a linear interpolation from this tuple to other given the percentage alpha.
interpolate(Tuple2DReadOnly, Tuple2DReadOnly, double) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.tuple2D.interfaces.Tuple2DBasics
Performs a linear interpolation from tuple1 to tuple2 given the percentage alpha.
interpolate(Tuple3DReadOnly, double) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.tuple3D.interfaces.Tuple3DBasics
Performs a linear interpolation from this tuple to other given the percentage alpha.
interpolate(Tuple3DReadOnly, Tuple3DReadOnly, double) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.tuple3D.interfaces.Tuple3DBasics
Performs a linear interpolation from tuple1 to tuple2 given the percentage alpha.
interpolate(QuaternionReadOnly, double) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.tuple4D.interfaces.QuaternionBasics
Performs a linear interpolation in SO(3) from this to qf given the percentage alpha.
interpolate(QuaternionReadOnly, QuaternionReadOnly, double) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.tuple4D.interfaces.QuaternionBasics
Performs a linear interpolation in SO(3) from q0 to qf given the percentage alpha.
interpolate(Tuple4DReadOnly, double) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.tuple4D.interfaces.Vector4DBasics
Performs a linear interpolation from this vector to tupleReadOnly given the percentage alpha.
interpolate(Tuple4DReadOnly, Tuple4DReadOnly, double) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.tuple4D.interfaces.Vector4DBasics
Performs a linear interpolation from tuple1 to tuple2 given the percentage alpha.
inverse() - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.axisAngle.interfaces.AxisAngleBasics
inverse() - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.tuple4D.interfaces.QuaternionBasics
Sets this quaternion to its inverse.
inverseTransform(AxisAngleReadOnly, Matrix3DReadOnly, Matrix3D) - Static method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.AxisAngleTools
Performs the inverse of the transform of the matrix matrixOriginal using axisAngle and stores the result in matrixTransformed.
inverseTransform(AxisAngleReadOnly, RotationMatrixReadOnly, RotationMatrix) - Static method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.AxisAngleTools
Performs the inverse of the transform of the rotation matrix rotationMatrixOriginal using axisAngle and stores the result in rotationMatrixTransformed.
inverseTransform(AxisAngleReadOnly, Tuple2DReadOnly, Tuple2DBasics, boolean) - Static method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.AxisAngleTools
Performs the inverse of the transform of the tuple tupleOriginal using axisAngle and stores the result in tupleTransformed.
inverseTransform(AxisAngleReadOnly, Tuple3DReadOnly, Tuple3DBasics) - Static method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.AxisAngleTools
Performs the inverse of the transform of the tuple tupleOriginal using axisAngle and stores the result in tupleTransformed.
inverseTransform(AxisAngleReadOnly, QuaternionReadOnly, QuaternionBasics) - Static method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.AxisAngleTools
Performs the inverse of the transform of the quaternion quaternionOriginal using axisAngle and stores the result in quaternionTransformed.
inverseTransform(AxisAngleReadOnly, Vector4DReadOnly, Vector4DBasics) - Static method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.AxisAngleTools
Performs the inverse of the transform of the vector vectorOriginal using axisAngle and stores the result in vectorTransformed.
inverseTransform(Matrix3DReadOnly, Matrix3DReadOnly, Matrix3D) - Static method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.Matrix3DTools
Undoes the transformation on matrixOriginal using matrix and stores the result in matrixTransformed:
inverseTransform(Matrix3DReadOnly, Matrix3D) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.axisAngle.interfaces.AxisAngleReadOnly
Performs the inverse of the transform to the matrix matrixOriginal by this orientation and stores the result in matrixTransformed.
inverseTransform(Matrix3DReadOnly, Matrix3D) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.matrix.interfaces.Matrix3DReadOnly
Performs the inverse of the transforms to the given 3D matrix matrixOriginal by this matrix and stores the result in matrixTransformed.
inverseTransform(Matrix3DReadOnly, Matrix3D) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.matrix.interfaces.RotationMatrixReadOnly
Performs the inverse of the transforms to the given 3D matrix matrixOriginal by this matrix and stores the result in matrixTransformed.
inverseTransform(Matrix3DReadOnly, Matrix3D) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.matrix.interfaces.RotationScaleMatrixReadOnly
Performs the inverse of the transforms to the given 3D matrix matrixOriginal by this matrix and stores the result in matrixTransformed.
inverseTransform(Matrix3DReadOnly, Matrix3D) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.matrix.Matrix3D
Performs the inverse of the transforms to the given 3D matrix matrixOriginal by this matrix and stores the result in matrixTransformed.
inverseTransform(Matrix3DReadOnly, Matrix3D) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.orientation.interfaces.Orientation3DReadOnly
Performs the inverse of the transform to the matrix matrixOriginal by this orientation and stores the result in matrixTransformed.
inverseTransform(Matrix3DReadOnly, Matrix3D) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.transform.AffineTransform
Performs the inverse of the transform on the given matrix matrixOriginal and stores the result in matrixTransformed.
inverseTransform(Matrix3DReadOnly, Matrix3D) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.transform.interfaces.Transform
Performs the inverse of the transform on the given matrix matrixOriginal and stores the result in matrixTransformed.
inverseTransform(Matrix3DReadOnly, Matrix3D) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.transform.QuaternionBasedTransform
Performs the inverse of the transform on the given matrix matrixOriginal and stores the result in matrixTransformed.
inverseTransform(Matrix3DReadOnly, Matrix3D) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.transform.RigidBodyTransform
Performs the inverse of the transform on the given matrix matrixOriginal and stores the result in matrixTransformed.
inverseTransform(Matrix3DReadOnly, Matrix3D) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.tuple4D.interfaces.QuaternionReadOnly
Performs the inverse of the transform to the matrix matrixOriginal by this orientation and stores the result in matrixTransformed.
inverseTransform(Matrix3DReadOnly, Tuple2DReadOnly, Tuple2DBasics, boolean) - Static method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.Matrix3DTools
Undoes the transformation of tupleOriginal using the given matrix and stores the result in tupleTransformed:
inverseTransform(Matrix3DReadOnly, Tuple3DReadOnly, Tuple3DBasics) - Static method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.Matrix3DTools
Undoes the transformation of tupleOriginal using the given matrix and stores the result in tupleTransformed:
inverseTransform(Matrix3DReadOnly, Vector4DReadOnly, Vector4DBasics) - Static method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.Matrix3DTools
Undoes the transformation on the vector part of vectorOriginal using the given matrix and stores the result in vectorTransformed:
inverseTransform(RotationMatrixReadOnly, RotationMatrix) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.matrix.interfaces.RotationScaleMatrixReadOnly
Transforms the given rotation matrix matrixOriginal by the rotation part of this rotation-scale matrix and stores the result in matrixTransformed.
inverseTransform(RotationMatrixReadOnly, RotationMatrix) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.orientation.interfaces.Orientation3DReadOnly
Performs the inverse of the transform to the given matrixOriginal and stores the result in matrixTransformed.
inverseTransform(RotationMatrixReadOnly, RotationMatrix) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.transform.AffineTransform
Performs the inverse of the transform on the given matrix matrixOriginal and stores the result in matrixTransformed.
inverseTransform(RotationMatrixReadOnly, RotationMatrix) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.transform.interfaces.Transform
Performs the inverse of the transform on the given matrix matrixOriginal and stores the result in matrixTransformed.
inverseTransform(RotationMatrixReadOnly, RotationMatrix) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.transform.QuaternionBasedTransform
Performs the inverse of the transform on the given matrix matrixOriginal and stores the result in matrixTransformed.
inverseTransform(RotationMatrixReadOnly, RotationMatrix) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.transform.RigidBodyTransform
Performs the inverse of the transform on the given matrix matrixOriginal and stores the result in matrixTransformed.
inverseTransform(RotationScaleMatrixReadOnly, RotationScaleMatrix) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.orientation.interfaces.Orientation3DReadOnly
Performs the inverse of the transform to the given matrixOriginal and stores the result in matrixTransformed.
inverseTransform(Matrix3D) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.matrix.interfaces.Matrix3DReadOnly
Performs the inverse of the transforms to the given 3D matrix matrixOriginal by this matrix.
inverseTransform(Matrix3D) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.matrix.interfaces.RotationMatrixReadOnly
Performs the inverse of the transforms to the given 3D matrix matrixOriginal by this matrix.
inverseTransform(Matrix3D) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.orientation.interfaces.Orientation3DReadOnly
Performs the inverse of the transform to the given matrix by this orientation.
inverseTransform(Matrix3D) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.transform.interfaces.Transform
Performs the inverse of the transform on the given matrix matrixToTransform.
inverseTransform(RotationMatrix) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.matrix.interfaces.RotationScaleMatrixReadOnly
Performs the inverse of the transform to the given rotation matrix by the rotation part of this rotation-scale matrix.
inverseTransform(RotationMatrix) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.orientation.interfaces.Orientation3DReadOnly
Performs the inverse of the transform to the given rotation matrix by this orientation.
inverseTransform(RotationMatrix) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.transform.interfaces.Transform
Performs the inverse of the transform on the given rotation matrix matrixToTransform.
inverseTransform(RotationScaleMatrix) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.orientation.interfaces.Orientation3DReadOnly
Performs the inverse of the transform to the given rotation-scale matrix by this orientation.
inverseTransform(AffineTransform) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.transform.interfaces.Transform
Performs the inverse of the transform on the given affineTransformToTransform.
inverseTransform(AffineTransform, AffineTransform) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.transform.AffineTransform
Performs the inverse of the transform on the given original and stores the result in transformed.
inverseTransform(AffineTransform, AffineTransform) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.transform.interfaces.Transform
Performs the inverse of the transform on the given original and stores the result in transformed.
inverseTransform(AffineTransform, AffineTransform) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.transform.QuaternionBasedTransform
Performs the inverse of the transform on the given original and stores the result in transformed.
inverseTransform(AffineTransform, AffineTransform) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.transform.RigidBodyTransform
Performs the inverse of the transform on the given original and stores the result in transformed.
inverseTransform(QuaternionBasedTransform) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.transform.interfaces.Transform
Performs the inverse of the transform on the given quaternionBasedTransformToTransform.
inverseTransform(QuaternionBasedTransform, QuaternionBasedTransform) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.transform.AffineTransform
Performs the inverse of the transform on the given original stores the result in transformed.
inverseTransform(QuaternionBasedTransform, QuaternionBasedTransform) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.transform.interfaces.Transform
Performs the inverse of the transform on the given original stores the result in transformed.
inverseTransform(QuaternionBasedTransform, QuaternionBasedTransform) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.transform.QuaternionBasedTransform
Performs the inverse of the transform on the given original stores the result in transformed.
inverseTransform(QuaternionBasedTransform, QuaternionBasedTransform) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.transform.RigidBodyTransform
Performs the inverse of the transform on the given original stores the result in transformed.
inverseTransform(RigidBodyTransform) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.transform.interfaces.Transform
Performs the inverse of the transform on the given rigidBodyTransformToTransform.
inverseTransform(RigidBodyTransform, RigidBodyTransform) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.transform.AffineTransform
Performs the inverse of the transform on the given original and stores the result in transformed.
inverseTransform(RigidBodyTransform, RigidBodyTransform) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.transform.interfaces.Transform
Performs the inverse of the transform on the given original and stores the result in transformed.
inverseTransform(RigidBodyTransform, RigidBodyTransform) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.transform.QuaternionBasedTransform
Performs the inverse of the transform on the given original and stores the result in transformed.
inverseTransform(RigidBodyTransform, RigidBodyTransform) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.transform.RigidBodyTransform
Performs the inverse of the transform on the given original and stores the result in transformed.
inverseTransform(Point2DBasics) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.transform.interfaces.Transform
Performs the inverse of the transform on the given point pointToTransform.
inverseTransform(Point2DBasics, boolean) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.transform.interfaces.Transform
Performs the inverse of the transform on the given point pointToTransform.
inverseTransform(Point2DReadOnly, Point2DBasics) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.transform.interfaces.Transform
Performs the inverse of the transform on the given point pointOriginal and stores the result in pointTransformed.
inverseTransform(Point2DReadOnly, Point2DBasics, boolean) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.transform.AffineTransform
Performs the inverse of the transform on the given point pointOriginal and stores the result in pointTransformed.
inverseTransform(Point2DReadOnly, Point2DBasics, boolean) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.transform.interfaces.Transform
Performs the inverse of the transform on the given point pointOriginal and stores the result in pointTransformed.
inverseTransform(Point2DReadOnly, Point2DBasics, boolean) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.transform.QuaternionBasedTransform
Performs the inverse of the transform on the given point pointOriginal and stores the result in pointTransformed.
inverseTransform(Point2DReadOnly, Point2DBasics, boolean) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.transform.RigidBodyTransform
Performs the inverse of the transform on the given point pointOriginal and stores the result in pointTransformed.
inverseTransform(Tuple2DBasics) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.matrix.interfaces.Matrix3DReadOnly
Performs the inverse of the transform to the given tuple by this matrix.
inverseTransform(Tuple2DBasics) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.matrix.interfaces.RotationMatrixReadOnly
Performs the inverse of the transform to the given tuple by this matrix.
inverseTransform(Tuple2DBasics) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.orientation.interfaces.Orientation3DReadOnly
Performs the inverse of the transform to the given tuple by this orientation.
inverseTransform(Tuple2DBasics, boolean) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.matrix.interfaces.Matrix3DReadOnly
Performs the inverse of the transform to the given tuple by this matrix.
inverseTransform(Tuple2DBasics, boolean) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.matrix.interfaces.RotationMatrixReadOnly
Performs the inverse of the transform to the given tuple by this matrix.
inverseTransform(Tuple2DBasics, boolean) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.orientation.interfaces.Orientation3DReadOnly
Performs the inverse of the transform to the given tuple by this orientation.
inverseTransform(Tuple2DReadOnly, Tuple2DBasics) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.matrix.interfaces.Matrix3DReadOnly
Performs the inverse of the transform to the given tuple tupleOriginal by this matrix and stores the result in tupleTransformed.
inverseTransform(Tuple2DReadOnly, Tuple2DBasics) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.matrix.interfaces.RotationMatrixReadOnly
Performs the inverse of the transform to the given tuple tupleOriginal by this matrix and stores the result in tupleTransformed.
inverseTransform(Tuple2DReadOnly, Tuple2DBasics) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.orientation.interfaces.Orientation3DReadOnly
Performs the inverse of the transform to the tuple tupleOriginal by this orientation and stores the result in tupleTransformed.
inverseTransform(Tuple2DReadOnly, Tuple2DBasics, boolean) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.axisAngle.interfaces.AxisAngleReadOnly
Performs the inverse of the transform to the tuple tupleOriginal by this orientation and stores the result in tupleTransformed.
inverseTransform(Tuple2DReadOnly, Tuple2DBasics, boolean) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.matrix.interfaces.Matrix3DReadOnly
Performs the inverse of the transform to the given tuple tupleOriginal by this matrix and stores the result in tupleTransformed.
inverseTransform(Tuple2DReadOnly, Tuple2DBasics, boolean) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.matrix.interfaces.RotationMatrixReadOnly
Performs the inverse of the transform to the given tuple tupleOriginal by this matrix and stores the result in tupleTransformed.
inverseTransform(Tuple2DReadOnly, Tuple2DBasics, boolean) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.matrix.interfaces.RotationScaleMatrixReadOnly
Performs the inverse of the transform to the given tuple tupleOriginal by this matrix and stores the result in tupleTransformed.
inverseTransform(Tuple2DReadOnly, Tuple2DBasics, boolean) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.matrix.Matrix3D
Performs the inverse of the transform to the given tuple tupleOriginal by this matrix and stores the result in tupleTransformed.
inverseTransform(Tuple2DReadOnly, Tuple2DBasics, boolean) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.orientation.interfaces.Orientation3DReadOnly
Performs the inverse of the transform to the tuple tupleOriginal by this orientation and stores the result in tupleTransformed.
inverseTransform(Tuple2DReadOnly, Tuple2DBasics, boolean) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.tuple4D.interfaces.QuaternionReadOnly
Performs the inverse of the transform to the tuple tupleOriginal by this orientation and stores the result in tupleTransformed.
inverseTransform(Vector2DBasics) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.transform.interfaces.Transform
Performs the inverse of the transform on the given vector vectorToTransform.
inverseTransform(Vector2DBasics, boolean) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.transform.interfaces.Transform
Performs the inverse of the transform on the given vector vectorToTransform.
inverseTransform(Vector2DReadOnly, Vector2DBasics) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.transform.interfaces.Transform
Performs the inverse of the transform on the given vector vectorOriginal and stores the result in vectorTransformed.
inverseTransform(Vector2DReadOnly, Vector2DBasics, boolean) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.transform.AffineTransform
Performs the inverse of the transform on the given vector vectorOriginal and stores the result in vectorTransformed.
inverseTransform(Vector2DReadOnly, Vector2DBasics, boolean) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.transform.interfaces.Transform
Performs the inverse of the transform on the given vector vectorOriginal and stores the result in vectorTransformed.
inverseTransform(Vector2DReadOnly, Vector2DBasics, boolean) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.transform.QuaternionBasedTransform
Performs the inverse of the transform on the given vector vectorOriginal and stores the result in vectorTransformed.
inverseTransform(Vector2DReadOnly, Vector2DBasics, boolean) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.transform.RigidBodyTransform
Performs the inverse of the transform on the given vector vectorOriginal and stores the result in vectorTransformed.
inverseTransform(Point3DBasics) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.transform.interfaces.Transform
Performs the inverse of the transform on the given point pointToTransform.
inverseTransform(Point3DReadOnly, Point3DBasics) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.transform.AffineTransform
Performs the inverse of the transform on the given point pointOriginal and stores the result in pointTransformed.
inverseTransform(Point3DReadOnly, Point3DBasics) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.transform.interfaces.Transform
Performs the inverse of the transform on the given point pointOriginal and stores the result in pointTransformed.
inverseTransform(Point3DReadOnly, Point3DBasics) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.transform.QuaternionBasedTransform
Performs the inverse of the transform on the given point pointOriginal and stores the result in pointTransformed.
inverseTransform(Point3DReadOnly, Point3DBasics) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.transform.RigidBodyTransform
Performs the inverse of the transform on the given point pointOriginal and stores the result in pointTransformed.
inverseTransform(Tuple3DBasics) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.matrix.interfaces.Matrix3DReadOnly
Performs the inverse of the transform to the given tuple by this matrix.
inverseTransform(Tuple3DBasics) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.matrix.interfaces.RotationMatrixReadOnly
Performs the inverse of the transform to the given tuple by this matrix.
inverseTransform(Tuple3DBasics) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.orientation.interfaces.Orientation3DReadOnly
Performs the inverse of the transform to the given tuple by this orientation.
inverseTransform(Tuple3DReadOnly, Tuple3DBasics) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.axisAngle.interfaces.AxisAngleReadOnly
Performs the inverse of the transform to the tuple tupleOriginal by this orientation and stores the result in tupleTransformed.
inverseTransform(Tuple3DReadOnly, Tuple3DBasics) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.matrix.interfaces.Matrix3DReadOnly
Performs the inverse of the transform to the given tuple tupleOriginal by this matrix and stores the result in tupleTransformed.
inverseTransform(Tuple3DReadOnly, Tuple3DBasics) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.matrix.interfaces.RotationMatrixReadOnly
Performs the inverse of the transform to the given tuple tupleOriginal by this matrix and stores the result in tupleTransformed.
inverseTransform(Tuple3DReadOnly, Tuple3DBasics) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.matrix.interfaces.RotationScaleMatrixReadOnly
Performs the inverse of the transform to the given tuple tupleOriginal by this matrix and stores the result in tupleTransformed.
inverseTransform(Tuple3DReadOnly, Tuple3DBasics) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.matrix.Matrix3D
Performs the inverse of the transform to the given tuple tupleOriginal by this matrix and stores the result in tupleTransformed.
inverseTransform(Tuple3DReadOnly, Tuple3DBasics) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.orientation.interfaces.Orientation3DReadOnly
Performs the inverse of the transform to the tuple tupleOriginal by this orientation and stores the result in tupleTransformed.
inverseTransform(Tuple3DReadOnly, Tuple3DBasics) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.tuple4D.interfaces.QuaternionReadOnly
Performs the inverse of the transform to the tuple tupleOriginal by this orientation and stores the result in tupleTransformed.
inverseTransform(Vector3DBasics) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.transform.interfaces.Transform
Performs the inverse of the transform on the given vector vectorToTransform.
inverseTransform(Vector3DReadOnly, Vector3DBasics) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.transform.AffineTransform
Performs the inverse of the transform on the given vector vectorOriginal and stores the result in vectorTransformed.
inverseTransform(Vector3DReadOnly, Vector3DBasics) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.transform.interfaces.Transform
Performs the inverse of the transform on the given vector vectorOriginal and stores the result in vectorTransformed.
inverseTransform(Vector3DReadOnly, Vector3DBasics) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.transform.QuaternionBasedTransform
Performs the inverse of the transform on the given vector vectorOriginal and stores the result in vectorTransformed.
inverseTransform(Vector3DReadOnly, Vector3DBasics) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.transform.RigidBodyTransform
Performs the inverse of the transform on the given vector vectorOriginal and stores the result in vectorTransformed.
inverseTransform(QuaternionBasics) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.matrix.interfaces.RotationScaleMatrixReadOnly
Performs the inverse of the transform to the given quaternion by the rotation part of this rotation-scale matrix.
inverseTransform(QuaternionBasics) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.orientation.interfaces.Orientation3DReadOnly
Performs the inverse of the transform to the given quaternion by this orientation.
inverseTransform(QuaternionBasics) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.transform.interfaces.Transform
Performs the inverse of the transform on the given quaternion quaternionToTransform.
inverseTransform(QuaternionReadOnly, Matrix3DReadOnly, Matrix3D) - Static method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.QuaternionTools
Performs the inverse of the transform of the matrix matrixOriginal using quaternion and stores the result in matrixTransformed.
inverseTransform(QuaternionReadOnly, RotationMatrixReadOnly, RotationMatrix) - Static method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.QuaternionTools
Performs the inverse of the transform of the rotation matrix rotationMatrixOriginal using quaternion and stores the result in rotationMatrixTransformed.
inverseTransform(QuaternionReadOnly, Tuple2DReadOnly, Tuple2DBasics, boolean) - Static method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.QuaternionTools
Performs the inverse of the transform of the tuple tupleOriginal using quaternion and stores the result in tupleTransformed.
inverseTransform(QuaternionReadOnly, Tuple3DReadOnly, Tuple3DBasics) - Static method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.QuaternionTools
Performs the inverse of the transform of the tuple tupleOriginal using quaternion and stores the result in tupleTransformed.
inverseTransform(QuaternionReadOnly, QuaternionBasics) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.matrix.interfaces.RotationScaleMatrixReadOnly
Performs the inverse of the transform to the given quaternion quaternionOriginal and stores the result into quaternionTransformed.
inverseTransform(QuaternionReadOnly, QuaternionBasics) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.orientation.interfaces.Orientation3DReadOnly
Performs the inverse of the transform to the given quaternionOriginal and stores the result in quaternionTransformed.
inverseTransform(QuaternionReadOnly, QuaternionBasics) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.transform.AffineTransform
Performs the inverse of the transform on the given quaternion quaternionOriginal and stores the result in quaternionTransformed.
inverseTransform(QuaternionReadOnly, QuaternionBasics) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.transform.interfaces.Transform
Performs the inverse of the transform on the given quaternion quaternionOriginal and stores the result in quaternionTransformed.
inverseTransform(QuaternionReadOnly, QuaternionBasics) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.transform.QuaternionBasedTransform
Performs the inverse of the transform on the given quaternion quaternionOriginal and stores the result in quaternionTransformed.
inverseTransform(QuaternionReadOnly, QuaternionBasics) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.transform.RigidBodyTransform
Performs the inverse of the transform on the given quaternion quaternionOriginal and stores the result in quaternionTransformed.
inverseTransform(QuaternionReadOnly, QuaternionReadOnly, QuaternionBasics) - Static method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.QuaternionTools
Performs the inverse of the transform of the quaternion quaternionOriginal using quaternion and stores the result in quaternionTransformed.
inverseTransform(QuaternionReadOnly, Vector4DReadOnly, Vector4DBasics) - Static method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.QuaternionTools
Performs the inverse of the transform of the vector part of vectorOriginal using quaternion and stores the result in vectorTransformed.
inverseTransform(Vector4DBasics) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.matrix.interfaces.Matrix3DReadOnly
Performs the inverse of the transform to the vector part the given 4D vector by this matrix.
inverseTransform(Vector4DBasics) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.matrix.interfaces.RotationMatrixReadOnly
Performs the inverse of the transform to the vector part the given 4D vector by this matrix.
inverseTransform(Vector4DBasics) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.orientation.interfaces.Orientation3DReadOnly
Performs the inverse of the transform to the vector part, i.e.
inverseTransform(Vector4DBasics) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.transform.interfaces.Transform
Performs the inverse of the transform on the given vector vectorToTransform.
inverseTransform(Vector4DReadOnly, Vector4DBasics) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.axisAngle.interfaces.AxisAngleReadOnly
Performs the inverse of the transform to the vector part, i.e.
inverseTransform(Vector4DReadOnly, Vector4DBasics) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.matrix.interfaces.Matrix3DReadOnly
Performs the inverse of the transform to the vector part the given 4D vector vectorOriginal by this matrix and stores the result in vectorTransformed.
inverseTransform(Vector4DReadOnly, Vector4DBasics) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.matrix.interfaces.RotationMatrixReadOnly
Performs the inverse of the transform to the vector part the given 4D vector vectorOriginal by this matrix and stores the result in vectorTransformed.
inverseTransform(Vector4DReadOnly, Vector4DBasics) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.matrix.interfaces.RotationScaleMatrixReadOnly
Performs the inverse of the transform to the vector part the given 4D vector vectorOriginal by this matrix and stores the result in vectorTransformed.
inverseTransform(Vector4DReadOnly, Vector4DBasics) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.matrix.Matrix3D
Performs the inverse of the transform to the vector part the given 4D vector vectorOriginal by this matrix and stores the result in vectorTransformed.
inverseTransform(Vector4DReadOnly, Vector4DBasics) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.orientation.interfaces.Orientation3DReadOnly
Performs the inverse of the transform to the vector part, i.e.
inverseTransform(Vector4DReadOnly, Vector4DBasics) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.transform.AffineTransform
Performs the inverse of the transform on the given vector vectorOriginal and stores the result in vectorTransformed.
inverseTransform(Vector4DReadOnly, Vector4DBasics) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.transform.interfaces.Transform
Performs the inverse of the transform on the given vector vectorOriginal and stores the result in vectorTransformed.
inverseTransform(Vector4DReadOnly, Vector4DBasics) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.transform.QuaternionBasedTransform
Performs the inverse of the transform on the given vector vectorOriginal and stores the result in vectorTransformed.
inverseTransform(Vector4DReadOnly, Vector4DBasics) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.transform.RigidBodyTransform
Performs the inverse of the transform on the given vector vectorOriginal and stores the result in vectorTransformed.
inverseTransform(Vector4DReadOnly, Vector4DBasics) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.tuple4D.interfaces.QuaternionReadOnly
Performs the inverse of the transform to the vector part, i.e.
invert() - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.axisAngle.interfaces.AxisAngleBasics
Inverses this orientation.
invert() - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.matrix.Matrix3D
Invert this matrix.
invert() - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.matrix.RotationMatrix
Inverts this rotation matrix.
invert() - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.orientation.interfaces.Orientation3DBasics
Inverses this orientation.
invert() - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.transform.QuaternionBasedTransform
Inverts this quaternion-based transform.
invert() - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.transform.RigidBodyTransform
Inverts this rigid-body transform.
invert() - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.tuple4D.interfaces.QuaternionBasics
Inverses this orientation.
invert(Matrix3DReadOnly, Matrix3D) - Static method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.Matrix3DTools
Computes the inverse of matrix and stores the result in inverseToPack.
invert(Matrix3D) - Static method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.Matrix3DTools
Performs an in-place inversion of the given matrix such that: m = m-1.
invertRotation() - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.transform.QuaternionBasedTransform
Inverts only the rotation part of this transform, the translation remains unchanged.
invertRotation() - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.transform.RigidBodyTransform
Inverts only the rotation part of this transform, the translation remains unchanged.
isAxisUnitary(double) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.axisAngle.interfaces.AxisAngleReadOnly
Tests if the axis of this axis-angle is of unit-length.
isIdentity() - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.matrix.interfaces.Matrix3DReadOnly
Tests if this matrix is equal to the identity matrix.
isIdentity(double) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.matrix.interfaces.Matrix3DReadOnly
Tests if this matrix is equal to the identity matrix.
isIdentity(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.Matrix3DFeatures
Tests if the matrix described by the given 9 coefficients is equal to the identity matrix.
isIdentity(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.Matrix3DFeatures
Tests if the matrix described by the given 9 coefficients is equal to the identity matrix.
isMatrix2D() - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.matrix.interfaces.Matrix3DReadOnly
Tests if this matrix describes transformation in the XY plane.
isMatrix2D(double) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.matrix.interfaces.Matrix3DReadOnly
Tests if this matrix describes transformation in the XY plane.
isMatrix2D(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.Matrix3DFeatures
Verify the matrix described by the 9 given coefficients is a transformation in the XY plane.
isMatrixSkewSymmetric() - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.matrix.interfaces.Matrix3DReadOnly
Tests if this matrix is skew symmetric:
isMatrixSkewSymmetric(double) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.matrix.interfaces.Matrix3DReadOnly
Tests if this matrix is skew symmetric:
isMatrixSkewSymmetric(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.Matrix3DFeatures
Verify if the matrix described by the 9 given coefficients is skew symmetric:
isMatrixSkewSymmetric(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.Matrix3DFeatures
Verify if the matrix described by the 9 given coefficients is skew symmetric:
isOrientation2D() - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.orientation.interfaces.Orientation3DReadOnly
Tests if this orientation 3D actually represents a rotation strictly around the z-axis.
isOrientation2D(double) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.axisAngle.interfaces.AxisAngleReadOnly
Tests if this orientation 3D actually represents a rotation strictly around the z-axis.
isOrientation2D(double) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.matrix.interfaces.RotationMatrixReadOnly
Tests if this orientation 3D actually represents a rotation strictly around the z-axis.
isOrientation2D(double) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.orientation.interfaces.Orientation3DReadOnly
Tests if this orientation 3D actually represents a rotation strictly around the z-axis.
isOrientation2D(double) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.tuple4D.interfaces.QuaternionReadOnly
Tests if this orientation 3D actually represents a rotation strictly around the z-axis.
isRotation2D() - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.transform.RigidBodyTransform
Tests if the rotation part of this transform describes a transformation in the XY plane.
isRotationMatrix() - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.matrix.interfaces.Matrix3DReadOnly
Tests if this matrix is a rotation matrix.
isRotationMatrix(double) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.matrix.interfaces.Matrix3DReadOnly
Tests if this matrix is a rotation matrix given a tolerance epsilon.
isRotationMatrix(double[]) - Static method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.Matrix3DFeatures
Tests if the given matrix is a rotation matrix.
isRotationMatrix(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.Matrix3DFeatures
Verify if the given coefficients describe a rotation matrix.
isRotationMatrix(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.Matrix3DFeatures
Verify if the given coefficients describe a rotation matrix.
isRotationMatrix(DenseMatrix64F) - Static method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.Matrix3DFeatures
Tests if the given matrix is a rotation matrix.
isUnitary(double) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.tuple4D.interfaces.QuaternionReadOnly
Tests if this quaternion has a norm equal to 1+/-epsilon.
isZOnly(double) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.axisAngle.interfaces.AxisAngleReadOnly
isZOnly(double) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.tuple4D.interfaces.QuaternionReadOnly
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