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Matrix3D - Class in us.ihmc.euclid.matrix
A Matrix3D is a 3-by-3 matrix used for general linear applications.
Matrix3D() - Constructor for class us.ihmc.euclid.matrix.Matrix3D
Creates a new 3D matrix with all its coefficients set to zero.
Matrix3D(double[]) - Constructor for class us.ihmc.euclid.matrix.Matrix3D
Creates a new 3D matrix and initializes it from the given array.
Matrix3D(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class us.ihmc.euclid.matrix.Matrix3D
Creates a new 3D matrix and initializes it from the given 9 coefficients.
Matrix3D(Matrix3DReadOnly) - Constructor for class us.ihmc.euclid.matrix.Matrix3D
Creates a new 3D matrix that is the same as other.
Matrix3DBasics - Interface in us.ihmc.euclid.matrix.interfaces
Write and read interface for a 3-by-3 matrix object.
Matrix3DFeatures - Class in us.ihmc.euclid.tools
Tools for extracting or testing features for a matrix 3D, see Matrix3DTools for operations on a matrix 3D.
Matrix3DFeatures() - Constructor for class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.Matrix3DFeatures
Matrix3DReadOnly - Interface in us.ihmc.euclid.matrix.interfaces
Read-only interface for any type of 3-by-3 matrices.
Matrix3DTools - Class in us.ihmc.euclid.tools
Tools for performing operations on 3D matrices.
Matrix3DTools() - Constructor for class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.Matrix3DTools
max(double, double, double) - Static method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.EuclidCoreTools
Find and return the argument with the maximum value.
MAX_SAFE_PITCH_ANGLE - Static variable in class us.ihmc.euclid.rotationConversion.YawPitchRollConversion
Pitch angle that defines the upper bound of the safe region in which the resulting pitch angle of a conversion is accurate.
med(double, double, double) - Static method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.EuclidCoreTools
Find and return the argument with the value in between the two others.
min(double, double, double) - Static method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.EuclidCoreTools
Find and return the argument with the minimum value.
MIN_SAFE_PITCH_ANGLE - Static variable in class us.ihmc.euclid.rotationConversion.YawPitchRollConversion
Pitch angle that defines the lower bound of the safe region in which the resulting pitch angle of a conversion is accurate.
MULTIPLIER - Static variable in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.EuclidHashCodeTools
Long used for the multiplication factor in each step of the hash.
multiply(AxisAngleReadOnly) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.axisAngle.interfaces.AxisAngleBasics
Multiplies this axis-angle by other.
multiply(AxisAngleReadOnly, boolean, Orientation3DReadOnly, boolean, AxisAngleBasics) - Static method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.AxisAngleTools
Performs the multiplication of orientation1 and orientation2 and stores the result in axisAngleToPack.
multiply(AxisAngleReadOnly, AxisAngleReadOnly) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.axisAngle.interfaces.AxisAngleBasics
Sets this axis-angle to the multiplication of aa1 and aa2.
multiply(AxisAngleReadOnly, AxisAngleReadOnly, AxisAngleBasics) - Static method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.AxisAngleTools
Performs the multiplication of aa1 and aa2 and stores the result in axisAngleToPack.
multiply(Matrix3DReadOnly) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.matrix.Matrix3D
Performs a matrix multiplication on this.
multiply(Matrix3DReadOnly, Matrix3DReadOnly, Matrix3D) - Static method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.Matrix3DTools
Performs the multiplication: m1 * m2 and stores the result in matrixToPack.
multiply(RotationMatrixReadOnly) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.matrix.RotationMatrix
Performs a matrix multiplication on this.
multiply(RotationMatrixReadOnly, boolean, Orientation3DReadOnly, boolean, RotationMatrix) - Static method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.RotationMatrixTools
Performs the multiplication of orientation1 and orientation2 and stores the result in matrixToPack.
multiply(RotationMatrixReadOnly, RotationMatrixReadOnly, RotationMatrix) - Static method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.RotationMatrixTools
Performs the multiplication: m1 * m2 and stores the result in matrixToPack.
multiply(Orientation3DReadOnly, boolean, AxisAngleReadOnly, boolean, AxisAngleBasics) - Static method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.AxisAngleTools
Performs the multiplication of orientation1 and orientation2 and stores the result in axisAngleToPack.
multiply(Orientation3DReadOnly, boolean, RotationMatrixReadOnly, boolean, RotationMatrix) - Static method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.RotationMatrixTools
Performs the multiplication of orientation1 and orientation2 and stores the result in matrixToPack.
multiply(Orientation3DReadOnly, boolean, Orientation3DReadOnly, boolean, AxisAngleBasics) - Static method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.AxisAngleTools
Performs the multiplication of orientation1 and orientation2 and stores the result in axisAngleToPack.
multiply(Orientation3DReadOnly, boolean, Orientation3DReadOnly, boolean, RotationMatrix) - Static method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.RotationMatrixTools
Performs the multiplication of orientation1 and orientation2 and stores the result in matrixToPack.
multiply(Orientation3DReadOnly, boolean, Orientation3DReadOnly, boolean, QuaternionBasics) - Static method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.QuaternionTools
Performs the multiplication of orientation1 and orientation2 and stores the result in quaternionToPack.
multiply(Orientation3DReadOnly, boolean, QuaternionReadOnly, boolean, QuaternionBasics) - Static method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.QuaternionTools
Performs the multiplication of orientation1 and orientation2 and stores the result in quaternionToPack.
multiply(AffineTransform) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.transform.AffineTransform
Performs the multiplication of this with the given other.
multiply(AffineTransform) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.transform.QuaternionBasedTransform
Performs the multiplication of this transform with affineTransform.
multiply(AffineTransform) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.transform.RigidBodyTransform
Performs the multiplication of this transform with affineTransform.
multiply(QuaternionBasedTransform) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.transform.AffineTransform
Performs the multiplication of this with the given quaternionBasedTransform.
multiply(QuaternionBasedTransform) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.transform.QuaternionBasedTransform
Performs the multiplication of this transform with other.
multiply(QuaternionBasedTransform) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.transform.RigidBodyTransform
Performs the multiplication of this transform with quaternionBasedTransform.
multiply(RigidBodyTransform) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.transform.AffineTransform
Performs the multiplication of this with the given rigidBodyTransform.
multiply(RigidBodyTransform) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.transform.QuaternionBasedTransform
Performs the multiplication of this transform with rigidBodyTransform.
multiply(RigidBodyTransform) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.transform.RigidBodyTransform
Performs the multiplication of this transform with other.
multiply(QuaternionReadOnly) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.tuple4D.interfaces.QuaternionBasics
Multiplies this quaternion by other.
multiply(QuaternionReadOnly, boolean, Orientation3DReadOnly, boolean, QuaternionBasics) - Static method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.QuaternionTools
Performs the multiplication of orientation1 and orientation2 and stores the result in quaternionToPack.
multiply(QuaternionReadOnly, QuaternionReadOnly) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.tuple4D.interfaces.QuaternionBasics
Sets this quaternion to the multiplication of q1 and q2.
multiply(QuaternionReadOnly, QuaternionReadOnly, QuaternionBasics) - Static method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.QuaternionTools
Performs the multiplication of q1 and q2 and stores the result in quaternionToPack.
multiply(Tuple4DReadOnly, Tuple4DReadOnly, Vector4DBasics) - Static method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.QuaternionTools
Performs the multiplication, in the sense of quaternion multiplication, of t1 and t2 and stores the result in vectorToPack.
multiplyConjugateBoth(QuaternionReadOnly) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.tuple4D.interfaces.QuaternionBasics
Sets this quaternion to the multiplication of the conjugate of this and other.
multiplyConjugateBoth(QuaternionReadOnly, QuaternionReadOnly, QuaternionBasics) - Static method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.QuaternionTools
Performs the multiplication of the conjugate of q1 and the conjugate of q2 and stores the result in quaternionToPack.
multiplyConjugateLeft(QuaternionReadOnly, QuaternionReadOnly, QuaternionBasics) - Static method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.QuaternionTools
Performs the multiplication of q1 conjugated and q2 and stores the result in quaternionToPack.
multiplyConjugateLeft(Tuple4DReadOnly, Tuple4DReadOnly, Vector4DBasics) - Static method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.QuaternionTools
Performs the multiplication, in the sense of quaternion multiplication, of t1 conjugated and t2 and stores the result in vectorToPack.
multiplyConjugateOther(QuaternionReadOnly) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.tuple4D.interfaces.QuaternionBasics
Multiplies this quaternion by the conjugate of other.
multiplyConjugateRight(QuaternionReadOnly, QuaternionReadOnly, QuaternionBasics) - Static method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.QuaternionTools
Performs the multiplication of q1 and q2 conjugated and stores the result in quaternionToPack.
multiplyConjugateRight(Tuple4DReadOnly, Tuple4DReadOnly, Vector4DBasics) - Static method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.QuaternionTools
Performs the multiplication, in the sense of quaternion multiplication, of t1 and t2 conjugated and stores the result in vectorToPack.
multiplyConjugateThis(QuaternionReadOnly) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.tuple4D.interfaces.QuaternionBasics
Sets this quaternion to the multiplication of the conjugate of this and other.
multiplyImpl(double, double, double, double, boolean, double, double, double, double, boolean, QuaternionBasics) - Static method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.QuaternionTools
Performs the multiplication of q1 and q2 and stores the result in quaternionToPack.
multiplyInvertBoth(AxisAngleReadOnly) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.axisAngle.interfaces.AxisAngleBasics
Sets this axis-angle to the multiplication of the inverse of this and the inverse of other.
multiplyInvertBoth(AxisAngleReadOnly, AxisAngleReadOnly, AxisAngleBasics) - Static method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.AxisAngleTools
Performs the multiplication of the inverse of aa1 and the inverse of aa2 and stores the result in axisAngleToPack.
multiplyInvertBoth(Matrix3DReadOnly, Matrix3DReadOnly, Matrix3D) - Static method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.Matrix3DTools
Performs the multiplication: m1-1 * m2-1 and stores the result in matrixToPack.
multiplyInvertLeft(AxisAngleReadOnly, AxisAngleReadOnly, AxisAngleBasics) - Static method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.AxisAngleTools
Performs the multiplication of the inverse of aa1 and aa2 and stores the result in axisAngleToPack.
multiplyInvertLeft(Matrix3DReadOnly, Matrix3DReadOnly, Matrix3D) - Static method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.Matrix3DTools
Performs the multiplication: m1-1 * m2 and stores the result in matrixToPack.
multiplyInvertLeft(RotationMatrixReadOnly, Matrix3DReadOnly, Matrix3D) - Static method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.Matrix3DTools
Performs the multiplication: m1-1 * m2 and stores the result in matrixToPack.
multiplyInvertLeft(RotationScaleMatrixReadOnly, Matrix3DReadOnly, Matrix3D) - Static method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.Matrix3DTools
Performs the multiplication: m1-1 * m2 and stores the result in matrixToPack.
multiplyInvertOther(AxisAngleReadOnly) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.axisAngle.interfaces.AxisAngleBasics
Multiplies this axis-angle by the inverse of other.
multiplyInvertOther(Matrix3DReadOnly) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.matrix.Matrix3D
Performs a matrix multiplication on this.
multiplyInvertOther(RotationMatrixReadOnly) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.matrix.Matrix3D
Performs a matrix multiplication on this.
multiplyInvertOther(RotationScaleMatrixReadOnly) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.matrix.Matrix3D
Performs a matrix multiplication on this.
multiplyInvertOther(AffineTransform) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.transform.AffineTransform
Performs the multiplication of this with the inverse of the given other.
multiplyInvertOther(AffineTransform) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.transform.QuaternionBasedTransform
Performs the multiplication of this transform with the inverse of affineTransform.
multiplyInvertOther(AffineTransform) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.transform.RigidBodyTransform
Performs the multiplication of this transform with the inverse of affineTransform.
multiplyInvertOther(QuaternionBasedTransform) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.transform.AffineTransform
Performs the multiplication of this transform with the inverse of quaternionBasedTransform.
multiplyInvertOther(QuaternionBasedTransform) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.transform.QuaternionBasedTransform
Performs the multiplication of this transform with the inverse of other.
multiplyInvertOther(QuaternionBasedTransform) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.transform.RigidBodyTransform
Performs the multiplication of this transform with the inverse of quaternionBasedTransform.
multiplyInvertOther(RigidBodyTransform) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.transform.AffineTransform
Performs the multiplication of this with the inverse of the given rigidBodyTransform.
multiplyInvertOther(RigidBodyTransform) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.transform.QuaternionBasedTransform
Performs the multiplication of this transform with the inverse of rigidBodyTransform.
multiplyInvertOther(RigidBodyTransform) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.transform.RigidBodyTransform
Performs the multiplication of this transform with the inverse of other.
multiplyInvertRight(AxisAngleReadOnly, AxisAngleReadOnly, AxisAngleBasics) - Static method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.AxisAngleTools
Performs the multiplication of aa1 and the inverse of aa2 and stores the result in axisAngleToPack.
multiplyInvertRight(Matrix3DReadOnly, Matrix3DReadOnly, Matrix3D) - Static method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.Matrix3DTools
Performs the multiplication: m1 * m2-1 and stores the result in matrixToPack.
multiplyInvertRight(Matrix3DReadOnly, RotationMatrixReadOnly, Matrix3D) - Static method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.Matrix3DTools
Performs the multiplication: m1 * m2-1 and stores the result in matrixToPack.
multiplyInvertRight(Matrix3DReadOnly, RotationScaleMatrixReadOnly, Matrix3D) - Static method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.Matrix3DTools
Performs the multiplication: m1 * m2-1 and stores the result in matrixToPack.
multiplyInvertThis(AxisAngleReadOnly) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.axisAngle.interfaces.AxisAngleBasics
Sets this axis-angle to the multiplication of the inverse of this and other.
multiplyInvertThis(Matrix3DReadOnly) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.matrix.Matrix3D
Performs a matrix multiplication on this.
multiplyInvertThis(AffineTransform) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.transform.AffineTransform
Performs the multiplication of the inverse of this with the given other.
multiplyInvertThis(AffineTransform) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.transform.QuaternionBasedTransform
Performs the multiplication of the inverse of this transform with affineTransform.
multiplyInvertThis(AffineTransform) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.transform.RigidBodyTransform
Performs the multiplication of the inverse of this transform with affineTransform.
multiplyInvertThis(QuaternionBasedTransform) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.transform.AffineTransform
Performs the multiplication of the inverse of this transform with quaternionBasedTransform.
multiplyInvertThis(QuaternionBasedTransform) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.transform.QuaternionBasedTransform
Performs the multiplication of the inverse of this transform with other.
multiplyInvertThis(QuaternionBasedTransform) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.transform.RigidBodyTransform
Performs the multiplication of the inverse of this transform with quaternionBasedTransform.
multiplyInvertThis(RigidBodyTransform) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.transform.AffineTransform
Performs the multiplication of the inverse of this with the given rigidBodyTransform.
multiplyInvertThis(RigidBodyTransform) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.transform.QuaternionBasedTransform
Performs the multiplication of the inverse of this transform with rigidBodyTransform.
multiplyInvertThis(RigidBodyTransform) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.transform.RigidBodyTransform
Performs the multiplication of the inverse of this transform with other.
multiplyOuter() - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.matrix.Matrix3D
Sets this matrix to be equal to its outer-product.
multiplyTransposeBoth(Matrix3DReadOnly) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.matrix.Matrix3D
Performs a matrix multiplication on this.
multiplyTransposeBoth(Matrix3DReadOnly, Matrix3DReadOnly, Matrix3D) - Static method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.Matrix3DTools
Performs the multiplication: m1T * m2T and stores the result in matrixToPack.
multiplyTransposeBoth(RotationMatrixReadOnly) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.matrix.RotationMatrix
Performs a matrix multiplication on this.
multiplyTransposeBoth(RotationMatrixReadOnly, RotationMatrixReadOnly, RotationMatrix) - Static method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.RotationMatrixTools
Performs the multiplication: m1T * m2T and stores the result in matrixToPack.
multiplyTransposeLeft(Matrix3DReadOnly, Matrix3DReadOnly, Matrix3D) - Static method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.Matrix3DTools
Performs the multiplication: m1T * m2 and stores the result in matrixToPack.
multiplyTransposeLeft(RotationMatrixReadOnly, RotationMatrixReadOnly, RotationMatrix) - Static method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.RotationMatrixTools
Performs the multiplication: m1T * m2 and stores the result in matrixToPack.
multiplyTransposeOther(Matrix3DReadOnly) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.matrix.Matrix3D
Performs a matrix multiplication on this.
multiplyTransposeOther(RotationMatrixReadOnly) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.matrix.RotationMatrix
Performs a matrix multiplication on this.
multiplyTransposeRight(Matrix3DReadOnly, Matrix3DReadOnly, Matrix3D) - Static method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.Matrix3DTools
Performs the multiplication: m1 * m2T and stores the result in matrixToPack.
multiplyTransposeRight(RotationMatrixReadOnly, RotationMatrixReadOnly, RotationMatrix) - Static method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.RotationMatrixTools
Performs the multiplication: m1 * m2T and stores the result in matrixToPack.
multiplyTransposeThis(Matrix3DReadOnly) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.matrix.Matrix3D
Performs a matrix multiplication on this.
multiplyTransposeThis(RotationMatrixReadOnly) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.matrix.RotationMatrix
Performs a matrix multiplication on this.
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