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EPS - Static variable in class us.ihmc.euclid.rotationConversion.AxisAngleConversion
Tolerance used to identify various edge cases, such as to identify when a quaternion is a neutral quaternion.
EPS - Static variable in class us.ihmc.euclid.rotationConversion.QuaternionConversion
Tolerance used to identify various edge cases, such as to identify when an axis-angle represents a zero orientation.
EPS - Static variable in class us.ihmc.euclid.rotationConversion.RotationMatrixConversion
Tolerance used to identify various edge cases, such as to identify when an axis-angle represents a zero orientation.
EPS - Static variable in class us.ihmc.euclid.rotationConversion.RotationVectorConversion
Tolerance used to identify various edge cases, such as to identify when an axis-angle represents a zero orientation.
EPS - Static variable in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.AxisAngleTools
Tolerance used to identify edge cases, such as when the axis part of an axis-angle can not be normalized.
EPS - Static variable in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.QuaternionTools
EPS_ANGLE_SHIFT - Static variable in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.EuclidCoreTools
An epsilon that is just slightly bigger than numerical inaccuracies used in EuclidCoreTools.shiftAngleInRange(double, double).
EPS_CHECK_2D - Static variable in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.Matrix3DFeatures
Default tolerance for determining whether a matrix 3D represents a 2D transformation or not.
EPS_CHECK_IDENTITY - Static variable in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.Matrix3DFeatures
Default tolerance for determining whether a matrix 3D represents the identity matrix or not.
EPS_CHECK_ROTATION - Static variable in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.Matrix3DFeatures
Default tolerance for determining whether a matrix 3D represents a 3D rotation matrix or not.
EPS_CHECK_SKEW - Static variable in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.Matrix3DFeatures
Default tolerance for determining whether a matrix 3D is skew symmetric or not.
EPS_INVERT - Static variable in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.Matrix3DTools
EPS_MAX_LENGTH - Static variable in interface us.ihmc.euclid.tuple3D.interfaces.Vector3DBasics
EPS_NORM_FAST_SQRT - Static variable in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.EuclidCoreTools
Magic number used as a tolerance for switching to the fast square-root formula.
EPS_POW - Static variable in interface us.ihmc.euclid.tuple4D.interfaces.QuaternionBasics
Tolerance used in QuaternionBasics.pow(double) to determine if this quaternion is equal to the neurtral quaternion.
EPS_UNITARY - Static variable in interface us.ihmc.euclid.tuple4D.interfaces.QuaternionReadOnly
Default tolerance used to verify that this quaternion is a unit-quaternion.
EpsilonComparable<T> - Interface in us.ihmc.euclid.interfaces
This interface is used for any object that can be compared with a tolerance epsilon.
epsilonEquals(double, double, double) - Static method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.EuclidCoreTools
Tests if the two values are equal to an epsilon:
|expectedValue - actualValue| ≤ epsilon
epsilonEquals(T, double) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.interfaces.EpsilonComparable
Tests if this is equal to other to an epsilon.
epsilonEquals(AxisAngle32, double) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.axisAngle.AxisAngle32
Tests on a per component basis, if this axis-angle is equal to other to an epsilon.
epsilonEquals(AxisAngle, double) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.axisAngle.AxisAngle
Tests on a per component basis, if this axis-angle is equal to other to an epsilon.
epsilonEquals(AxisAngleReadOnly, double) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.axisAngle.interfaces.AxisAngleReadOnly
Tests on a per component basis, if this axis-angle is equal to other to an epsilon.
epsilonEquals(Matrix3DReadOnly, double) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.matrix.interfaces.Matrix3DReadOnly
Tests on a per coefficient basis if this matrix is equal to the given other to an epsilon.
epsilonEquals(Matrix3DReadOnly, Matrix3DReadOnly, double) - Static method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.Matrix3DFeatures
Tests on a per component basis if the two given matrices are equal to an epsilon.
epsilonEquals(RotationScaleMatrixReadOnly, double) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.matrix.interfaces.RotationScaleMatrixReadOnly
Tests the rotation parts and scales of both matrices are equal to an epsilon.
epsilonEquals(Matrix3D, double) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.matrix.Matrix3D
Tests on a per coefficient basis if this matrix is equal to the given other to an epsilon.
epsilonEquals(RotationMatrix, double) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.matrix.RotationMatrix
Tests on a per coefficient basis if this matrix is equal to the given other to an epsilon.
epsilonEquals(RotationScaleMatrix, double) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.matrix.RotationScaleMatrix
Tests the rotation parts and scales of both matrices are equal to an epsilon.
epsilonEquals(AffineTransform, double) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.transform.AffineTransform
Tests separately and on a per component basis if the rotation part, the scale part, and the translation part of this transform and other are equal to an epsilon.
epsilonEquals(QuaternionBasedTransform, double) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.transform.QuaternionBasedTransform
Tests separately and on a per component basis if the rotation part and the translation part of this transform and other are equal to an epsilon.
epsilonEquals(RigidBodyTransform, double) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.transform.RigidBodyTransform
Tests separately and on a per component basis if the rotation part and the translation part of this transform and other are equal to an epsilon.
epsilonEquals(Tuple2DReadOnly, double) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.tuple2D.interfaces.Tuple2DReadOnly
Tests on a per component basis if this tuple is equal to the given other to an epsilon.
epsilonEquals(Tuple2DReadOnly, Tuple2DReadOnly, double) - Static method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.TupleTools
Tests on a per component basis if the two given tuples are equal to an epsilon.
epsilonEquals(Point2D32, double) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tuple2D.Point2D32
Tests on a per component basis if this point is equal to the given other to an epsilon.
epsilonEquals(Point2D, double) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tuple2D.Point2D
Tests on a per component basis if this point is equal to the given other to an epsilon.
epsilonEquals(Vector2D32, double) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tuple2D.Vector2D32
Tests on a per component basis if this vector is equal to the given other to an epsilon.
epsilonEquals(Vector2D, double) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tuple2D.Vector2D
Tests on a per component basis if this vector is equal to the given other to an epsilon.
epsilonEquals(Tuple3DReadOnly, double) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.tuple3D.interfaces.Tuple3DReadOnly
Tests on a per component basis if this tuple is equal to the given other to an epsilon.
epsilonEquals(Tuple3DReadOnly, Tuple3DReadOnly, double) - Static method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.TupleTools
Tests on a per component basis if the two given tuples are equal to an epsilon.
epsilonEquals(Point3D32, double) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tuple3D.Point3D32
Tests on a per component basis if this point is equal to the given other to an epsilon.
epsilonEquals(Point3D, double) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tuple3D.Point3D
Tests on a per component basis if this point is equal to the given other to an epsilon.
epsilonEquals(Vector3D32, double) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tuple3D.Vector3D32
Tests on a per component basis if this vector is equal to the given other to an epsilon.
epsilonEquals(Vector3D, double) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tuple3D.Vector3D
Tests on a per component basis if this vector is equal to the given other to an epsilon.
epsilonEquals(Tuple4DReadOnly, double) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.tuple4D.interfaces.Tuple4DReadOnly
Tests on a per component basis if this tuple is equal to the given other to an epsilon.
epsilonEquals(Tuple4DReadOnly, Tuple4DReadOnly, double) - Static method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.TupleTools
Tests on a per component basis if the two given tuples are equal to an epsilon.
epsilonEquals(Quaternion32, double) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tuple4D.Quaternion32
Tests on a per component basis if this quaternion is equal to the given other to an epsilon.
epsilonEquals(Quaternion, double) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tuple4D.Quaternion
Tests on a per component basis if this quaternion is equal to the given other to an epsilon.
epsilonEquals(Vector4D32, double) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tuple4D.Vector4D32
Tests on a per component basis if this vector is equal to the given other to an epsilon.
epsilonEquals(Vector4D, double) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tuple4D.Vector4D
Tests on a per component basis if this vector is equal to the given other to an epsilon.
equals(Object) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.axisAngle.AxisAngle
Tests if the given object's class is the same as this, in which case the method returns AxisAngleReadOnly.equals(AxisAngleReadOnly), it returns false otherwise.
equals(Object) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.axisAngle.AxisAngle32
Tests if the given object's class is the same as this, in which case the method returns AxisAngleReadOnly.equals(AxisAngleReadOnly), it returns false otherwise.
equals(Object) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.matrix.Matrix3D
Tests if the given object's class is the same as this, in which case the method returns Matrix3DReadOnly.equals(Matrix3DReadOnly), it returns false otherwise or if the object is null.
equals(Object) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.matrix.RotationMatrix
Tests if the given object's class is the same as this, in which case the method returns Matrix3DReadOnly.equals(Matrix3DReadOnly), it returns false otherwise or if the object is null.
equals(Object) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.matrix.RotationScaleMatrix
Tests if the given object's class is the same as this, in which case the method returns RotationScaleMatrix.equals(RotationScaleMatrix), it returns false otherwise or if the object is null.
equals(Object) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.transform.AffineTransform
Tests if the given object's class is the same as this, in which case the method returns AffineTransform.equals(AffineTransform), it returns false otherwise or if the object is null.
equals(Object) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.transform.QuaternionBasedTransform
Tests if the given object's class is the same as this, in which case the method returns QuaternionBasedTransform.equals(QuaternionBasedTransform), it returns false otherwise or if the object is null.
equals(Object) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.transform.RigidBodyTransform
Tests if the given object's class is the same as this, in which case the method returns RigidBodyTransform.equals(RigidBodyTransform), it returns false otherwise or if the object is null.
equals(Object) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tuple2D.Point2D
Tests if the given object's class is the same as this, in which case the method returns Tuple2DReadOnly.equals(Tuple2DReadOnly), it returns false otherwise.
equals(Object) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tuple2D.Point2D32
Tests if the given object's class is the same as this, in which case the method returns Tuple2DReadOnly.equals(Tuple2DReadOnly), it returns false otherwise.
equals(Object) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tuple2D.Vector2D
Tests if the given object's class is the same as this, in which case the method returns Tuple2DReadOnly.equals(Tuple2DReadOnly), it returns false otherwise.
equals(Object) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tuple2D.Vector2D32
Tests if the given object's class is the same as this, in which case the method returns Tuple2DReadOnly.equals(Tuple2DReadOnly), it returns false otherwise.
equals(Object) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tuple3D.Point3D
Tests if the given object's class is the same as this, in which case the method returns Tuple3DReadOnly.equals(Tuple3DReadOnly), it returns false otherwise.
equals(Object) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tuple3D.Point3D32
Tests if the given object's class is the same as this, in which case the method returns Tuple3DReadOnly.equals(Tuple3DReadOnly), it returns false otherwise.
equals(Object) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tuple3D.Vector3D
Tests if the given object's class is the same as this, in which case the method returns Tuple3DReadOnly.equals(Tuple3DReadOnly), it returns false otherwise.
equals(Object) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tuple3D.Vector3D32
Tests if the given object's class is the same as this, in which case the method returns Tuple3DReadOnly.equals(Tuple3DReadOnly), it returns false otherwise.
equals(Object) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tuple4D.Quaternion
Tests if the given object's class is the same as this, in which case the method returns Tuple4DReadOnly.equals(Tuple4DReadOnly), it returns false otherwise.
equals(Object) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tuple4D.Quaternion32
Tests if the given object's class is the same as this, in which case the method returns Tuple4DReadOnly.equals(Tuple4DReadOnly), it returns false otherwise.
equals(Object) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tuple4D.Vector4D
Tests if the given object's class is the same as this, in which case the method returns Tuple4DReadOnly.equals(Tuple4DReadOnly), it returns false otherwise.
equals(Object) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tuple4D.Vector4D32
Tests if the given object's class is the same as this, in which case the method returns Tuple4DReadOnly.equals(Tuple4DReadOnly), it returns false otherwise.
equals(AxisAngleReadOnly) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.axisAngle.interfaces.AxisAngleReadOnly
Tests on a per component basis, if this axis-angle is exactly equal to other.
equals(Matrix3DReadOnly) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.matrix.interfaces.Matrix3DReadOnly
Tests on a per component basis if this matrix is exactly equal to other.
equals(Matrix3DReadOnly, Matrix3DReadOnly) - Static method in class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.Matrix3DFeatures
Tests on a per coefficient basis if the two matrices m1 and m2 are exactly equal.
equals(RotationScaleMatrix) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.matrix.RotationScaleMatrix
Tests if the rotation parts and scales of both matrices are exactly equal.
equals(AffineTransform) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.transform.AffineTransform
Tests separately and on a per component basis if the rotation part, the scale part, and the translation part of this transform and other are exactly equal.
equals(QuaternionBasedTransform) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.transform.QuaternionBasedTransform
Tests separately and on a per component basis if the rotation part and the translation part of this transform and other are exactly equal.
equals(RigidBodyTransform) - Method in class us.ihmc.euclid.transform.RigidBodyTransform
Tests separately and on a per component basis if the rotation part and the translation part of this transform and other are exactly equal.
equals(Tuple2DReadOnly) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.tuple2D.interfaces.Tuple2DReadOnly
Tests on a per component basis, if this tuple is exactly equal to other.
equals(Tuple3DReadOnly) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.tuple3D.interfaces.Tuple3DReadOnly
Tests on a per component basis, if this tuple is exactly equal to other.
equals(Tuple4DReadOnly) - Method in interface us.ihmc.euclid.tuple4D.interfaces.Tuple4DReadOnly
Tests on a per component basis, if this tuple is exactly equal to other.
EuclidCoreIOTools - Class in us.ihmc.euclid.tools
EuclidCoreIOTools is intended to gather the input & output tools for printing, saving, and loading geometry objects.
EuclidCoreIOTools() - Constructor for class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.EuclidCoreIOTools
EuclidCoreRandomTools - Class in us.ihmc.euclid.tools
This class provides random generators to generate random geometry objects.
EuclidCoreRandomTools() - Constructor for class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.EuclidCoreRandomTools
EuclidCoreTestTools - Class in us.ihmc.euclid.tools
This class provides the tools to perform a variety of assertions on Euclid Core's types.
EuclidCoreTestTools() - Constructor for class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.EuclidCoreTestTools
EuclidCoreTools - Class in us.ihmc.euclid.tools
This class provides a variety of generic tools such as fast square-root algorithm EuclidCoreTools.fastSquareRoot(double), or also an linear interpolation algorithm EuclidCoreTools.interpolate(double, double, double).
EuclidCoreTools() - Constructor for class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.EuclidCoreTools
EuclidHashCodeTools - Class in us.ihmc.euclid.tools
Generic operations on hash-code used throughout this library for computing hash-codes of object as Point3D.
EuclidHashCodeTools() - Constructor for class us.ihmc.euclid.tools.EuclidHashCodeTools
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