Depending Directly on the Source
For the IHMCOpenRoboticsSoftware and ihmc-build to work correctly when depending directly on the source, the Gradle project hierarchy needs to take a particular form. Let's assume you have a directory structure such as:
.<your Gradle root project>
├── build.gradle
├── settings.gradle
├── ProjectA
├── ProjectB
├── IHMCOpenRoboticsSoftware
│ └── Acsell
│ └── Atlas
│ └── CommonWalkingControlModules
├── ProjectC
└── ...
You will need to modify the root project settings.gradle
to set up your project hierarchy correctly. The important thing is that you will need both :IHMCOpenRoboticsSoftware
as well as the various :IHMCOpenRoboticsSoftware:<Sub Project>
items in the Gradle hierarchy, even though IHMCOpenRoboticsSoftware doesn't contain any of its own Java source. This can be tedious to set up by hand, so we usually write our settings.gradle to do some naive dynamic generation of dependencies.
An example settings.gradle
similar to what our developers use could look like the following: = '_Foo' // Your root project name goes here
def codeDir = rootProject.projectDir
def isGradleProjectFilter = new FilenameFilter() {
boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
File f = new File(dir, name).getCanonicalFile();
return f.isDirectory() && new File(f, "build.gradle").exists();
codeDir.list(isGradleProjectFilter).each { mainProject ->
include "${mainProject}"
project(":${mainProject}").projectDir.list(isGradleProjectFilter).each { subProject ->
include "${mainProject}:${subProject}"
If this is set up correctly, you can either apply the ihmc-build
plugin from the Plugin portal and use the dependency resolver methods exposed by the build extensions, or you can manually identify dependencies on projects using the normal Gradle syntax for project dependencies. A sample build.gradle dependency block:
dependencies {
compile project(':IHMCOpenRoboticsSoftware:IHMCJavaToolkit') // normal Gradle way of doing things
/* OR */
dependencies {
compile ihmc.getProjectDependency(':IHMCJavaToolkit') // ihmc-build way of doing things